PyQt5 – Checking if ComboBox is editable or not
In this article we will see how we can know if a combo box is editable or not. Editable combo box is such that user and change the value of it by typing. By default when we create a combo box we can only choose from the option in the drop down menu although in editable combo box we can set the text by ourselves. In order to do make editable combobox we use setEditable method In order to check if combo box is editable or not we use isEditable,...
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PyQt5 – Add border to lineedit part of ComboBox
In this article we will see how we can set border to the line edit part of the combo box. Line edit part is the part of combo box which displays the selected item, it is editable by nature. In order to set and access the line edit object we use setLineEdit and lineEdit method respectively. Below is the representation of normal combo box vs combo box whose line edit part is having border....
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PyQt5 – Adding item at given index in ComboBox
In this article we will see how we can add an item in the combo box at the given index. We know we can add item with the help of addItems method but items get added at the end only, in order to add the item at the given index we use insertItem method....
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PyQt5 ComboBox – User entered items store before the selected position
In this article we will see how we user entered item get added before the current selected position in the combo box i.e when user insert item in the editable combo box it get inserted at the position at which is before current selected item is in the drop down list, by default when user insert any item it get inserted at the bottom....
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PyQt5 – Accessing help text of the combo box
In this article we will see how we can access help text to the combo box. Help text is basically used to tell the programmer about the emergency information like reference links etc, programmer set help text to the combo box so that when some other programmer get difficulty in understanding the combo box, he/she can take help from the help text. In order to set the help text to the combo box we use setWhatsThis method and to access the help text we use whatsThis method....
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PyQt5 – Set background image to view part of ComboBox
In this article we will see how we can set background image to the view part of the combo box, view part of combo box is the drop down menu in which all the items are shown. In order to add or retrieve view object to combo box we use setView and view method. Below is the representation of how background image to view part looks like...
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PyQt5 QComboBox – Change border style when it is editable and mouse hover over it
In this article we will see how we can change the border style of the combo box when it is editable and mouse hover over it, border style can be dotted, dashed etc. When we set border to the combo box it is continuous although we can change it. Styled border will be only visible when combo box is editable and cursor is on the combo box else normal border will be visible....
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PyQt5 QComboBox – Change border style when it is in off state
In this article we will see how we can change the border style of the combo box when it is in off state, border style can be dotted, dashed etc. When we set border to the combo box it is continuous although we can change it. Styled border will be only visible when combo box is in off state else normal border will be visible....
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PyQt5 – Get the icon size of item icon in ComboBox
In this article we will see how we can get the icon size to the item of combo box. By default there is no icon set to the icon in the combo box although we can set icon to each item with the help of setItemIcon method. Some times there is a need for adjusting the icon size, in order to change the icon size of items icon we will use setIconSize method....
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PyQt5 ComboBox – Different border size to down arrow when pressed
In this article we will see how we can set different size/width border to the down arrow when it gets pressed, basically, when we set border to the down arrow it is of same width for all sides although we can change its color....
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PyQt5 – Background color to down arrow of ComboBox when pressed
In this article we will see how we can set background color to the down arrow of combo box when it get pressed. Down arrow is the button part of the combo box which is when pressed opens the list view of items....
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PyQt5 – Setting limit to number of items in ComboBox
In this article we will see how we can set limit to the number of items in the combo box. When we create a combo box there is no limit set to the items we can add any number of items although sometimes condition arises to set the maximum limit to the items....
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